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Scented candles, reed diffusers & stearin candles • Eco-friendly & Vegan
Handmade in our candle workshop in Roslagen, Sweden
Pamper yourself, your family, or your friends with an eco-friendly scented candle made of Swedish rapeseed wax. Fragranced with mild clear scents that won't give you a headache.
With our reed diffusers, your home can smell good without burning candles, perfect for families with toddlers, pets, or if you simply are a fragrance lover. We use a vegan and toxin-free base without alcohol.
Our stearin candles are made from olive stearin, which is made from pure olive oil, unlike "ordinary" stearin which is made from animal fat and/or palm oil.
About Yvelis of Sweden
We, standing behind Yvelis, are Yvonne and Jörgen. We have our candle workshop and a small candle shop in Nysättra, just outside Norrtälje in Roslagen, and that's where we make all our candles by hand.
Yvelis was started in 2011 and has grown from a hobby to both of us working full time with candle production.
We work with eco-friendly raw materials and even though it's harder to produce candles with natural waxes and stearin, we believe it's worth it.
What our customers think?
Reviews we got about our candles and reed diffusers.
So happy to finally find vegan pillar candles without paraffin, and that they also have such a nice lace. Thank you, thank you, keep up what you are doing!
The first scented candles that don't give me a sore throat or headache and they smell just right :-)
Lavender is always right. Here in the form of a quality candle, which is good for both the environment and people. Recommended for anyone, anytime.
Eva Anna Magdalena
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